The tsarist officer’s mistress

A frozen night in the immense plains of Russia. A nowhere place. The ravaging civil war. Tsarists against Bolsheviks. Against anarchists and all sorts of local ephemeral powers. White Russian

The Bloody Baron (Roman Fedorovic von Ungern Sternberg)

He was the last one to fall, at the very end of the great Civil War that changed the world. A legend. He dominated part of the immense Siberia, Mongolia.

The Goddess Isis

Here she is, seated on a red velvet throne. Her diadem is the Moon, the tamed Lion at her right. A most disturbing beauty, androgynous at least. She is playing

Demon of War (gen. Walter Krüger)

This is a good companion of the aged saturnine judge. This is the Man of Violence. As in the real life of Walter Krüger, who fought three wars, gave his

Imperator Maximilianus I (after A. Dürer)

Grandfather to the Emperor Carl V, Maximilianus I von Absburg , as in the original by Dürer, he holds a pomegranate in his left hand, his features more than distinguishable.

Liegende Frau

Back to the ‘20s. Germany. Weimar Republic. Chaos. Creativity beyond limits. Music. Movies. Art. Poetry. Feel the rhythm, the magic of those years. Anything later in art was a Deja-vu

Col. Prince Bermondt-Avalov (I)

Pavel Rafalovich Bermondt-Avalov was a tsarist officer in the staff of the General Prince Anatoly Pavlovich Lieven. When the Revolution exploded in Russia, they both, and afterwards Bermondt-Avalov on his

Gen. Rüdiger, Graf (Count) von der Goltz

Gen. von der Goltz was a Prussian aristocrat and a soldier. He himself came from a long line of soldiers He had fought against Russia from 1914 to 1918. He


A young woman, dressed in a somewhat oriental garment, is sitting on a fancy sofa. Behind her , a huge window overlooks the City. A song line by the U2