Paumgartner altarpiece – Left Wing – Hl. Georg

Paumgartner altarpiece – Central piece – Hl. Joseph and Mary
26 September 2016

26 September 2016

Left wing of the original and also of the huge (400.150 cm) actual remake of the paumgartner Altarpiece by Albrecht Dürer. St. George is an aging warrior, burdened by years, by heavy drinking and scars. As in the original, his enemy the Drake is not a menace anymore. Only the corpse remains, his spoils , the Saint’s trophy. But war is an exhausting job, the Annaberg Monument, a place contended and monumentalized by both Polish and Germans stands in the upper left corner as a remind . Annaberg (Góra Świętej Anny) is a strategic volcanic hill that dominates Upper Silesia. It hosted a prechristian shrine and for centuries a church dedicated to St. George. This warrior is between bored and tired, so much blood has been shed, so many heavy labors have been endured. As a real life Freikorps Officer, some of them having fought since 1914 until 1922 and then again in World War II (as gen. Walter Krueger, portrayed). Back to the Poetry of War, again.Artist
Zalmoxis Project
Paumgartner altarpiece - Left Wing - Hl. GeorgDimensions