
Paumgartner altarpiece – Left Wing – Hl. Georg
26 September 2016

Max und Moritz
26 September 2016

This is a highly symbolic representation of the archaic symbolism of the Bull. It links, from its very own title, to the astrologic representation of the Taurus sign. So the Bull is represented high in a starry sky. Yet it is surrounded by wolves, another archaic remind. As from the Indo-european invasion of continental Greece, and of almost all the islands of Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This came long after the decline and fall of the Minoan civilization, which had its religious most known celebration of the Bull. Games with the Bull, a strongest and aggressive animal, yet indispensable for cattle reproduction, still survive along all Mediterranean coasts: think of the Corrida still sort of sacred in today’s Spain, but also of similar games still alive in Southern France, or in Portugal. The wolves remind us of the myth of Theseus against the bull-man semi-deity Minotaur. As Greek Athens freeing herself from an archaic subjection to Crete. Yet this representation is vivid and sort of happy.Artist
Zalmoxis Project