The Bloody Baron (Roman F. von Ungern-Sternberg, II)

Forstinspektor von Schoenberg (after von Rayski)
28 September 2016

A House in Taos
28 September 2016

Soldier, German-Baltic, an old family. Czarist. He was unruly, bloodthirsted, and magic. He had a personal vengeance to take against the Bosheviks: his young wife massacred in their residence in Reval, while he was away fighting in war. He was Buddhist, superstitious, and a dreamer. He believed to be the reincarnation of the God of War. He detected his enemies just by smelling them. He lived shortly, governed Outer Mongolia and, shortly, southern Siberia. He was the last White Russian general to be captured and executed. Before being dragged in front of the firing squad, he managed to swallow his golden St. George Cross decoration. Protagonist of two novels (by Jean Mabire and by Vladimir Pozner). Featured also in Beasts, Men and Gods (Ossendowski, who spent a period at his court), Ein traum in Rot (A Dream in Red, Lernet-Holenia) and Asia Gialla (Yellow Asia, Appelius) Even before his death, he had become a legend.Artist
Zalmoxis Project
The Bloody Baron (Roman F. von Ungern-Sternberg, II)Dimensions